Project management encompasses a complex process that heavily relies on meticulously structured plans, well-crafted schedules, and diligent tracking of various activities. Within this realm, there exists a pivotal concept known as ‘total float,’ which holds significant importance. It equips managers with the ability to assess project flexibility and make informed strategic choices. In this article, we will delve into a comprehensive understanding of total float, covering its calculation, the distinction between total and free float, and providing practical illustrations.

Understanding Total Float in Project Management

Total float, also referred to as slack, stands as a fundamental concept within project management. It quantifies the permissible amount of time by which a task or activity can be delayed without impacting the project’s ultimate completion date or subsequent tasks, particularly in the context of interrelated tasks.

To truly grasp the concept, it is crucial to consider the following key aspects:

Represents Delay Flexibility

Total float holds immense significance in the realm of project management as it represents the invaluable time cushion within which a task can be delayed without causing any adverse effects on the project’s final deadline. It acts as a flexible buffer embedded within the project schedule, allowing for maneuverability in completing tasks.

The calculation of total float involves a thorough analysis of task dependencies and constraints present within the project. It takes into consideration the critical path, which comprises a sequence of tasks that directly impact the overall duration of the project. Any delay encountered in a task along the critical path would inevitably result in a corresponding delay in the project’s ultimate completion.

To provide a clearer understanding of the concept of total float, let’s delve into an illustrative example of a project containing multiple tasks:

Task IDTask DescriptionDurationDependenciesTotal Float
T1Project Initiation2 daysNone0 days
T2Requirements Gathering5 daysT13 days
T3Design Phase7 daysT24 days
T4Development10 daysT2, T30 days
T5Testing5 daysT42 days
T6Deployment3 daysT4, T50 days
T7Project Closure2 daysT60 days

In the table provided, we have outlined a range of tasks, including their durations and dependencies. The column labeled “Total Float” indicates the level of flexibility associated with each task.

Let’s take task T2, “Requirements Gathering,” as an example. It possesses a total float of 3 days, which means it can be delayed by up to 3 days without affecting the final deadline of the project. However, if the delay exceeds this threshold, it would impact the critical path and consequently lead to a delay in completing the project.

Tasks with a total float of 0 days are considered critical path ones, meaning any delay in their completion would directly impact the timeline of the project. Referring to the given example, tasks T1, T4, T6, and T7 fall into this category.

Applicable to Independent and Sequential Tasks

Total float, a fundamental concept in project management, plays a crucial role in evaluating the flexibility of tasks within a project timeline. It applies to both independent tasks that can be performed simultaneously and sequential ones that depend on the completion of preceding activities. By understanding total float, project managers gain valuable insights into task flexibility, regardless of their relationships with others.

When analyzing total float, it is essential to consider two types of task relationships: dependencies and constraints. Dependencies establish the order in which tasks must be completed, while constraints set limitations on scheduling. These relationships directly influence the impact of delays on the overall project timeline.

Let’s delve deeper into the application of total float to both independent and sequential tasks:

  • Independent Tasks: Independent tasks refer to those that can be efficiently executed simultaneously without any reliance on other tasks. These operate independently of one another’s starting and ending dates. In such scenarios, the concept of total float becomes crucial as it provides valuable insights into the flexibility and maneuverability of each individual task within the project timeline;
  • Sequential Tasks: These are intricately tied to the completion of preceding activities, as they rely on the successful execution of those tasks. They follow a specific order that must be adhered to during project implementation. In the context of sequential ones, total float emerges as a vital metric, enabling project managers to evaluate the level of flexibility associated with each task while taking into account their dependencies.

In the context of a software development project, consider the interdependence between the coding phase and the requirements gathering phase. The initiation of the coding phase relies on the successful completion of the requirements gathering phase. In the event of a delay in the requirements gathering phase, it can potentially have an impact on subsequent tasks. Total float, in this scenario, provides project managers with the ability to assess the maximum allowable delay within the requirements gathering phase, ensuring that it does not lead to a subsequent delay in the coding phase.

To further illustrate the application of total float to independent and sequential tasks, let’s consider the following table:

Task IDTask DescriptionDurationDependenciesTotal Float
T1A4 daysNone1 day
T2B3 daysNone2 days
T3C5 daysT1, T20 days
T4D2 daysT33 days
T5E3 daysT41 day

In this scenario, we have Task A and B, which are independent of each other and do not rely on any dependencies. Each task possesses its own total float value, indicating the maximum permissible delay that can be accommodated without impacting the final deadline of the project.

Contrarily, Task C is a sequential task that relies on the completion of both Task A and B. Its total float value is set at 0, meaning that any delay encountered in Task C would directly influence the project’s overall timeline.

Similarly, Task D and E exhibit dependencies, albeit with total float values greater than 0. This implies that there is a certain level of flexibility in scheduling these tasks, allowing for minor delays without adversely affecting the subsequent ones.

Enables Schedule Flexibility

Total float plays a crucial role in project management by providing the necessary schedule flexibility. It empowers project managers with valuable insights that enable them to make adjustments, allocate resources effectively, and tackle potential delays while ensuring project deadlines are met.

Let’s explore some key ways in which total float enables schedule flexibility:

  • Adjusting Schedules: Total float provides project managers with an understanding of the maximum allowable delay for each task without affecting the project’s final deadline. This knowledge allows them to adjust schedules strategically. They can reschedule tasks with higher total float, giving priority to critical path tasks that have no or minimal total float. By rearranging the sequence of tasks and optimizing task durations, project managers can create a more flexible and realistic schedule;
  • Allocating Resources: With total float information, project managers can allocate resources more effectively. They can identify tasks with significant total float and allocate additional resources to expedite their completion. On the other hand, tasks with low or zero total float can be closely monitored, and appropriate resources can be allocated to ensure their timely completion. This resource allocation based on total float helps in managing project resources efficiently and avoiding bottlenecks that could lead to delays;
  • Addressing Potential Delays: Total float acts as an early warning system, alerting project managers to potential delays in non-critical tasks. By monitoring the total float of tasks, project managers can identify tasks that are approaching their maximum allowable delay. They can proactively address these tasks by providing additional resources, adjusting priorities, or implementing corrective measures to prevent delays from impacting the project’s critical path. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of cascading delays and keeps the project on track;
  • Managing Stakeholder Expectations: Total float provides project managers with a quantitative measure of schedule flexibility. This information is valuable for managing stakeholder expectations. Project managers can communicate the total float values to stakeholders, highlighting the level of flexibility within the project schedule. By transparently sharing this information, project managers can set realistic expectations, manage uncertainties, and ensure stakeholders understand the potential impact of changes or delays.

To further illustrate the practical application of total float in enabling schedule flexibility, let’s revisit the previous example table:

Task IDTask DescriptionDurationDependenciesTotal Float
T1A4 daysNone1 day
T2B3 daysNone2 days
T3C5 daysT1, T20 days
T4D2 daysT33 days
T5E3 daysT41 day

In this example, project managers can leverage the total float values to enhance schedule flexibility. They can consider the following actions:

  • Since Task A and B have total floats of 1 day and 2 days, respectively, project managers can adjust their start dates without affecting subsequent ones or the project’s final deadline;
  • Task C, with a total float of 0 days, is critical and cannot be delayed without impacting the project’s timeline. Project managers should closely monitor and manage this task to ensure its timely completion;
  • Task D and E, having total floats of 3 days and 1 day, respectively, offer some flexibility in their scheduling. Project managers can allocate additional resources or adjust their start dates within the available float, addressing any potential delays while still meeting project deadlines.

Identifies Critical and Non-Critical Tasks

Total float assists in distinguishing critical tasks from non-critical ones within the project. Critical tasks have zero or very limited total float, meaning any delay in their completion would directly impact the project’s overall timeline. Non-critical ones, on the other hand, have positive total float, indicating they can be delayed without affecting the project’s completion date.

Understanding the total float of tasks in a project provides project managers with valuable insights into managing project activities effectively. By considering the total float for each task, project managers can prioritize activities, allocate resources efficiently, and ensure the project progresses smoothly without jeopardizing the final deadline.

To illustrate the concept further, here is an example table showcasing the total float for different tasks in a project:

TaskDuration (Days)Early StartEarly FinishLate StartLate FinishTotal Float

In the above example, Task A and C have zero total float, indicating they are critical tasks and must be completed on time to avoid delaying the project. Tasks B, D, E, and F have positive total float, allowing some flexibility in their scheduling.

Overall, total float is a valuable metric in project management that empowers project managers to make informed decisions about task scheduling, resource allocation, and potential delays, ensuring successful project execution within the designated timeline.

Calculation of Total Float

Hand holding a pen and typing on a calculator, while the other hand holds a paper

Total float is calculated using the Late Start (LS) and Early Start (ES) dates, or Late Finish (LF) and Early Finish (EF) dates of an activity. The formula for calculating total float is as follows:

Total Float = LS – ES or LF – EF

To determine these values and calculate total float, project managers utilize the Critical Path Method (CPM). CPM is a widely used project management technique for process planning that helps identify critical and non-critical tasks. Its primary objective is to prevent timeframe issues and process bottlenecks.

Let’s delve into the steps involved in calculating total float using the CPM:

  1. Network Diagram: Project managers start by creating a network diagram, also known as a project schedule network diagram or a precedence diagram. This diagram visually represents the sequence and dependencies of all tasks within the project;
  2. Task Dependencies: Project managers identify the dependencies between tasks. Dependencies can be of different types, such as finish-to-start (FS), start-to-start (SS), finish-to-finish (FF), or start-to-finish (SF). These dependencies define the order in which tasks must be executed and form the foundation for determining the critical path and total float;
  3. Forward Pass: The forward pass involves determining the Early Start (ES) and Early Finish (EF) dates for each task. Project managers start with the initial task(s) and calculate the ES and EF values based on the task durations and dependencies. The ES of a task is the earliest possible start date, while the EF is the sum of the ES and the task duration;
  4. Backward Pass: After completing the forward pass, project managers perform the backward pass. They calculate the Late Start (LS) and Late Finish (LF) dates for each task. The LF of a task is the latest possible finish date without delaying the project’s overall completion. The LS is calculated by subtracting the task duration from the LF;
  5. Total Float Calculation: With the LS, ES, LF, and EF values determined, project managers can now calculate the total float for each task. Total float is calculated using either the LS and ES values or the LF and EF values, depending on the chosen approach. Subtracting the ES from the LS or the EF from the LF gives the total float value for the task.

By following these steps, project managers can accurately calculate the total float for each task within the project. The total float values provide insights into the flexibility of tasks and help in making informed decisions about scheduling, resource allocation, and risk management.

It’s important to note that tasks with a total float of zero are critical path tasks, while tasks with a positive total float have flexibility for schedule adjustments. Critical path tasks directly impact the project’s duration, and any delay in their completion will extend the project timeline.

Difference between Total Float and Free Float

While both total float and free float provide an understanding of project schedule flexibility, there’s a crucial difference between the two.

Total Float

Total float, as defined earlier, refers to the maximum amount of time by which a task can be delayed without causing a delay in the overall project completion. It represents the flexibility within the project schedule and allows project managers to make informed decisions regarding task prioritization, resource allocation, and potential adjustments to the project timeline.

To further emphasize the concept of total float, let’s explore its significance and practical implications:

  • Delay without Project Delay: Total float provides project managers with an understanding of how much leeway exists for each task within the project schedule. It indicates the amount of time that can be utilized for task completion without affecting the project’s final deadline. By leveraging this information, project managers can strategically manage tasks and allocate resources to ensure project success;
  • Identifying Critical Tasks: Total float assists project managers in identifying critical tasks, which are those with zero total float. Critical tasks are directly linked to the project’s critical path, meaning any delay in their completion would result in a delay in the overall project timeline. By recognizing critical tasks, project managers can prioritize their focus, allocate necessary resources, and closely monitor their progress to ensure timely completion;
  • Managing Task Dependencies: Total float aids in managing task dependencies effectively. By considering the total float of tasks, project managers can assess the impact of delays on dependent tasks and take appropriate actions to mitigate risks. They can adjust task priorities, allocate additional resources, or negotiate alternative solutions to prevent delays from cascading through the project schedule;
  • Resource Optimization: Total float allows project managers to optimize resource allocation. Tasks with higher total float can be adjusted or rescheduled to accommodate resource constraints or competing priorities. By understanding the flexibility provided by total float, project managers can make resource allocation decisions that maximize efficiency and minimize potential bottlenecks.

To illustrate the concept of total float, let’s consider an example project with multiple tasks:

Task IDTask DescriptionDurationDependenciesTotal Float
T1Project Initiation2 daysNone0 days
T2Requirements Gathering5 daysT13 days
T3Design Phase7 daysT24 days
T4Development10 daysT2, T30 days
T5Testing5 daysT42 days
T6Deployment3 daysT4, T50 days
T7Project Closure2 daysT60 days

In the above example, total float is depicted in the “Total Float” column. Critical tasks such as T1, T4, T6, and T7 have zero total float, indicating their importance in determining the project’s timeline. Tasks with positive total float, such as T2, T3, and T5, possess flexibility and can tolerate delays within their respective total float values.

Free Float

Free float is a concept in project management that represents the amount of time by which a task can be delayed without delaying the start of the next scheduled task. It measures the flexibility available for a task without impacting the subsequent tasks or the overall project timeline.

Understanding the concept of free float is essential for effective project planning and scheduling. Let’s delve deeper into the significance and implications of free float:

  • Task Dependency Management: Free float helps project managers identify tasks with available time for scheduling adjustments. By considering the free float values, project managers can assess the impact of delaying a particular one on the start of the next scheduled one. This knowledge enables them to make informed decisions regarding task prioritization, resource allocation, and potential adjustments to the project schedule;
  • Optimizing Resource Allocation: Free float assists project managers in optimizing resource allocation. By identifying tasks with significant free float, project managers can allocate resources to tasks that have available time without delaying subsequent activities. This allocation of resources maximizes efficiency and minimizes resource conflicts, ensuring smooth project execution;
  • Detecting Schedule Constraints: Free float helps project managers identify schedule constraints and bottlenecks. Tasks with limited or zero free float indicate potential schedule constraints, as any delay in these tasks would directly impact subsequent tasks or the project’s timeline. By recognizing these constraints, project managers can proactively address them and implement appropriate mitigation strategies to minimize risks;
  • Critical Path Analysis: Free float is closely related to the critical path in project management. The critical path consists of tasks with zero free float, meaning any delay in these tasks would result in a delay in the project’s overall completion. By analyzing the free float values, project managers can gain insights into the critical path and identify tasks that require close monitoring and attention to ensure timely project completion.

To further illustrate the concept of free float, let’s consider an example project with multiple tasks:

Task IDTask DescriptionDurationDependenciesFree Float
T1Project Initiation2 daysNone0 days
T2Requirements Gathering5 daysT13 days
T3Design Phase7 daysT21 day
T4Development10 daysT2, T32 days
T5Testing5 daysT40 days
T6Deployment3 daysT4, T50 days
T7Project Closure2 daysT60 days

In the above example, free float is depicted in the “Free Float” column. Tasks with positive free float, such as T2, T3, and T4, have flexibility and can be delayed within their respective free float values without impacting subsequent ones. On the other hand, tasks with zero free float, such as T1, T5, T6, and T7, are part of the critical path and require close monitoring to prevent any delays that could affect the project’s overall completion.

The main difference between the two lies in their impact. While total float affects the project’s finish date, free float concerns itself with the impact on immediately succeeding tasks.

Example of Total Float

To further illustrate the concept of total float, consider this simple example. Suppose you have a project that consists of four tasks:

  • A: Duration of 5 days. It must be completed before Tasks B and C can start;
  • B: Duration of 3 days. It can start after Task A is completed;
  • C: Duration of 6 days. It can start after Task A is completed and must be finished before D can start;
  • D: Duration of 4 days. This can only start after Task C is completed.

Using the formula for total float (LS – ES or LF – EF), we can see that Task A, C, and D have zero total float. This is because they are on the project’s critical path – a delay in any of these tasks would result in a delay to the project.

However, Task B, which is not on the critical path, has a total float of 3 days (6 days available – 3 days duration). This means you could delay Task B by up to three days without it causing a delay to the overall project.


Total float is an important tool in project management. It allows project managers to understand how much they can delay tasks without impacting the project’s completion. By effectively calculating and utilizing total float, managers can make strategic decisions to ensure successful project delivery.


Is it possible for an activity to have a negative total float?

Yes, an activity can have a negative total float. This usually happens when an activity is behind schedule. It implies that the amount of delay is greater than the allowable slack time, and corrective action is needed to get the project back on track.

Does total float affect the critical path?

No, total float does not affect the critical path directly. By definition, activities on the critical path have zero total float. However, if a non-critical activity (an activity with a positive total float) gets delayed beyond its total float, it may become a critical activity and change the project’s critical path.

What is the significance of total float in project management?

Total float provides project managers with valuable information about the schedule flexibility of individual tasks. It indicates the time that activities can be delayed without affecting the project completion date. It helps project managers in making decisions about resource allocation, risk management, and schedule adjustments.